People are so attracted to beautiful smiles filled with sparkling white teeth that it’s no wonder there is so much chatter about teeth whitening these days. If you’re curious about teeth whitening in NW Calgary, it’s time to separate some facts from fiction regarding how to get whiter teeth.
Fact or Fiction? Whitening toothpaste is effective.
Fiction. Generally, whitening toothpaste contains the same ingredients as normal — in a slightly more abrasive formula. That grittier paste may help remove surface debris more effectively than the usual products, but any bleaching compounds — if there are any whitening substances — aren’t in contact with your teeth long enough to have any whitening effect.
Fact or Fiction? Coconut oil whitens your teeth.
Fiction. Coconut oil has long been touted with significant nutritional, health, and cosmetic benefits. In recent years, though, some of those claims have been questioned. One lingering myth about coconut oil is that “oil pulling” with coconut oil can whiten your teeth. Oil pulling is an element of the centuries-old holistic medical practice called Ayurveda. Oil pulling has not been scientifically proven to have any teeth-whitening effect.
Fact or Fiction? Professional teeth whitening is worth the expense.
Fact. DIY teeth whitening kits from drugstores and grocery stores are cheaper than professional teeth whitening at our dentist in NW Calgary. Price aside, though, the value offered by professional teeth whitening is vastly higher. Dentists use stronger compounds tailored precisely to your teeth and their colour that can produce effects of eight shades whiter in just one hour. One size fits all — or anyone at all? — whitening strips with weak bleaching compounds may produce some effect after repeated use over several weeks. But that depends on the colour of your teeth and what caused the stains in the first place.
Fact or Fiction? Strawberries and lemons are effective teeth whiteners.
Fiction-ish. Lemon juice and crushed strawberries rubbed against your teeth can have some initial and temporary whitening effects. There is, though, a significant downside. Both strawberries and lemons are extremely acidic. The acidic content of both throughs can degrade the enamel on your teeth. You may notice immediate and temporary whitening effects, but you’ll also need dental care to repair your damaged enamel.
Fact or Fiction? DIY whitening kits contain the same substances as dentists use
Fact-ish. Over-the-counter whitening kits contain bleaching compounds usually made from hydrogen or carbamide peroxide. However, over-the-counter kits contain solutions many times weaker than those dentists use. For this reason, plus dentists’ ability to tailor the solutions to your teeth and the specific stains found on them, dentists can produce much faster and more effective results than grocery store whitening kits with weaker compounds and one-size-fits-all strips.
Fact or Fiction? You can whiten crowns, veneers, and dental implants.
Fiction. Crowns, implants, and veneers are versatile solutions for tooth loss, but bleaching compounds can not whiten them. It means two really important things. First, when being fit for any of these products, choose their colour carefully so they’ll blend naturally with your natural teeth. Second, follow instructions from our dentist in NW Calgary to maintain your crowns, veneers, implants, and other restorations to keep them from becoming stained and discoloured.
If your teeth have become stained despite your best efforts to brush and floss regularly and despite regular dental care and cleanings…our dentist in NW Calgary can offer solutions. As you look into teeth whitening in NW Calgary, make decisions based on facts, not fiction. Contact our dentist near you when ready to take the next step toward whiter teeth. We’d love to help you brighten your smile. And that’s a fact.